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Coral Whisper 4

Ecological Artist Naoko Otsuka - Coral Whisper 39 Let's learn about the beach ecosystem:
Read books, watch documentaries, or attend local workshops to understand the plants, animals, and habitats in their beach ecosystem.
Back to School

Ecological Artist Naoko Otsuka - Coral Whisper 40 Respect the wildlife:
Learn to observe animals safely, without touching or disturbing them. This includes not feeding the wildlife and leaving nesting areas undisturbed.
Color Script Stones on back ground are aloma stones, not coral

Ecological Artist Naoko Otsuka - Coral Whisper 41 Help keep the beach tidy:
Talk about why picking up trash during beach trips is important. It keeps sea creatures safe and the beach looking nice.
Ballon Party

Ecological Artist Naoko Otsuka - Coral Whisper 42 Share knowledge with friends:
Tell your friends about the beach world and why it's important. Share how everyone can take care of it.
Three Wise Men

Ecological Artist Naoko Otsuka - Coral Whisper 43 Be mindful of footprints:
Watch your steps and stay on the right paths and not to step on plants or sand dunes. This helps keep the beach world strong.
Hawaiann Cutie

Ecological Artist Naoko Otsuka - Coral Whisper 44 Support local conservation efforts:
Encourage children to get involved with local conservation organizations and support their initiatives to protect and restore the beach ecosystem.
Family Ribbon Wrap-up
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  naoko art ・Redmond, WA, U.S.


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